As much as we LOVE our dogs and the amazing work they do in the FEMA system (and for search and rescue in general!) they are a small part of the whole process. Penn Vet Working Dog Center- VideoWe are proud to share our Center’s video that commemorates the 20th Anniversary of September 11, 2001, and inspired the incredible work that we do every day.
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- from the last newsletter message, build on your learning - how do you think the pup on the right feels about this new possible love- what does he say with his eyes? .....and his licking.... and this is much more subtle but look how he's also leaning away a bit too. He's really not sure about this, is he? His gal is being a little too pushy- Harmony is all about creating calmness Where there is calm there is harmony. I know you're probably thinking "I get that-.... but how?- my dog is wild :) ! " Here's where the "here's how" part comes in :) One super simple concept can change your dog's energy level tremendously- and quickly. I always say- this is the EASIEST training you'll ever not do with your dog. Simply sit with your dog- Anchor the Dog™ There's a little more to it than that of course- but in a nutshell that's the idea- Sit quietly with your dog Say nothing Do nothing Let nothing happen Let calmness start to wash over your dog With repetition, your dog will start to become calmer on his own- he will learn to shut himself off and relax. This idea is one of our key foundation behavioral concepts. In-person, we teach to everyone! Absolutely EVERYONE!!! We also have a mini-course program for it too online if you'd like to know more about it. It's short, simple and to the point- and you start working on it right away. We know you will love it if you give it a try because you will see the changes and your dog will feel them too:) Think about how nice it would be to have a calmer dog when company comes over... ...or when you stop to talk to someone and your dog doesn't go bananas... ...or when the doorbell rings, or knocks, or any of those quirky sounds that make your dog go wild... Use this special coupon code. 25ONLINE and save 25% as a special Valentine's offer to help you create calmness and harmony for your pup Learn Online - See what's new you will be amazed by the results you see and how easy it is. (even WE were amazed!) All our online courses have a We hope you'll "STAY! " with us- We're going to share some neat things every week (or close to thereabouts) Thing's we know you'll like. Not much to read, we'll keep it quick and simple just great pics to look n learn- learn on line with us! All our courses carry a 30-day money back guarantee-
See how easy onine learing can be! Play with a Purpose! take it on the road- have fun while your pup learns while playing! We've been keeping our Mixed Topic Group Classes out and about in the community to keep a good COVID distance for everyone's safety- Here's some new ideas we're taking on the road with us for 2021 group classes- (check the schedule for more info and dates) We wanted to share these with you so you can use them too! Even if you aren't part of our Mixed Topic Groups- you and your dog (especially your dog!) will love these out and about activities to enhance learning and keep that dog brain stimulated- Enhanced Learning Ideas for on the GO! Clicker Concepts- click it while you're out and about Paws On - Muscle core strength building Target Touch- hand, objects, use nose, and paw Hoola hoop Games- go through it, sit in it, hold it Get To IT! - go to towel marker- place targeting and my personal favorites! Play with a PURPOSE! Get it Game- Find a treat Learn Online - See what's new ALL our online courses have a: Chances are you've heard us say the phrase "pack leadership" more than once to you. Now, what exactly does that mean?
Do you really want me to pretend to eat out of my dog's bowl?! There are some very insignificant gestures and rituals that may seem trivial or a nuisance to us humans, but are HUGE to our furry companions. Although Fido is a distant relative to wolves, he still has primal pack instincts. When we have clients come to us with behavioral concerns about their dog, we always address the "why". More often than not, it all comes down to how Fido views you in the pack heirarchy. Once we guide you how to change how he views your status, then we can address the behavior. By NO means do we want you to "alpha role" your dog- that is highly inadvisable. We want Fido to happily defer to you and respect your decisions Here’s Ben and his person enjoying each other’s company during a walk. It might seem like a simple pleasure, but he has an incredible story.
When Ben’s people first reached out to us, you couldn’t go near him without him lunging, growling, or snapping. Ben’s people are extremely dedicated and followed training to a T. Because of this, Ben has made huge gains and seeing his incredible progress reminds us why we love doing what we do! Ben is also 11 years old! There is always time for change! ❤️ We'd like to thank our clients our friends for a wonderful 2017 filled with opportunity and change. The new year always brings a feeling of a fresh start. If you've been meaning to deal with a difficult dog- maybe this is the time for a fresh start with some help- got a new puppy, now that's a fresh start for sure! Either way, can help you get your best paw moving forward to make this a fantastic 2018. ![]() PUPPIES! It's not just about Kindergarten Class anymore! Over the years we've trained thousands of dogs in group classes- Puppy Kindergarten has always been a favorite. Popular demand and the overwhelming success of one on one relationship training has taken us in a different, better direction with our puppy programs. Mind Your Manners Puppy Camp- Let your puppy stay with us in our home to learn the basics and get off on the right track with manners and more. Grow With US A monthly program that grows with you and your puppy's training needs change. Puppy Primer Lessons A program of private training here and at home focused on just what you need in manners and more. .......these options always including our special Mixed Topic Group Classes so you have the socialization around other dogs and people too. ![]() Hi Everyone-- I wanted so share some brief (well this was supposed to be brief- but ended up not so much !) but valuable thoughts on life and dog training- I know sounds so profound..... and what I mean is----- do you ever feel like life gets in the way of the things you really want to do and need to do ? Do you look at stuff going on around you and think OMG how will I ever get through this or get this done ! I do - all the the time :) And one of the things that makes sorting out priorities easier is to break things down into little parts, little tiny bite size pieces that can be resolved - chewed and swallowed and digested. -----Now I am not a car person in anyway, but I sure do drive one- in fact one of my other hobbies in life is putting gas in it :) but think of your dog as a car. You want to keep it running smoothly with no problems. Think about how anxious you feel when you hear that weird noise in the engine or feel that unnatural bump OR worse yet- see one of those red dash board lights come on.... warning... problems coming up- BIG problems. so you take it into the car shop to get it fixed, and there is this one broken part or two----- these small broken parts are causing the whole car not to work. And causing you lots of stress. So your mechanic looks at the cause, finds the parts and makes the fix. He looks at the small piece to fix the whole. And you can drive away with your car puring. Alls those pieces of the engine (and then some!) need to work together smoothly and without issue. Your dog is like that too, he will give you warnings- you will "feel" something isn't right- just like that engine light going off in your car. Think of how this simple idea of breaking it down into pieces can affect how you look at your dog and the behaviors you want to change.
Tiny Training Tidbits....
The Bouncing Bonker ! . I think all dog owners have tried a spray bottle at some point as a behavior corrector. Here is a better improved concept- put down your spray bottle and pick up a towel ! Check out "Bonking"- a training concept developed by Gary Wilkes the inventor of clicker training. We all LOVE the concepts of positive reinforcement and I always stress that learning is positive you should never correct anyone or any DOG for something they dont know. However life has balance..... the Yin and Yang black and white.... We need to understand and accept that correction, setting boundaries and rules IS an important part of understanding and most importantly changing a dogs behavior- for the better! Check out Gary Wilkes concepts for"Bonking" . I refer to it as the new and improved spray bottle concept :) Watch the video link and watch and learn. Its the absolute best idea for a behavior interrupter-preventor-extenguisher and it doesnt get things wet :) ! Happy Holiday Greetings and Merry Christmas to all ..... and four and two feet, and feathers too :) May your holidays be well behaved and your counters not surfed ! Rose Deluca- Cold Creek Dog Training Sevan Sporting Safety Glasses As a single homeowner, I sometimes have no clue what to do when things go wrong... so many decisions to make- I need help. I look on the internet, I watch youtube videos, I ask friends for suggestions. I feel overwhelmed!
And then I call someone who really KNOWS what to do. I call a professional. All of a sudden the answers are there and he (or she- I'm a huge fan of Nicole Curtis the Rehab Addict!) says- well you need to do this, and this, and this. And I'm set. The stress is gone, the worry- its all taken care of - someone I trust told me the best choice to make. I had a recent situation at home that made me go through this AGAIN... and I got to thinking about how similar this is to dog training and how your dog feels in those moments of indecision too- just like I do. From your dog's perspective, there are lots of times when he doesn't know what to do.. he doesn't know how to act- or the best decision to make. When YOU step up as that professional and tell him what to do- you will see the stress and worry go away. Being told something to do in times of stress can change everything. Something as simple as SIT, or LET"S GO! can change the whole perspective of the situation. So next time your dog is feeling like he needs "help" step up and make those right decisions for him and take the worry away :) Let us teach YOU how to be that professional for your dog ! Rose Deluca — at Cold Creek Dog Training. |