Tiny Training Tidbits....
The Bouncing Bonker ! . I think all dog owners have tried a spray bottle at some point as a behavior corrector. Here is a better improved concept- put down your spray bottle and pick up a towel ! Check out "Bonking"- a training concept developed by Gary Wilkes the inventor of clicker training. We all LOVE the concepts of positive reinforcement and I always stress that learning is positive you should never correct anyone or any DOG for something they dont know. However life has balance..... the Yin and Yang black and white.... We need to understand and accept that correction, setting boundaries and rules IS an important part of understanding and most importantly changing a dogs behavior- for the better! Check out Gary Wilkes concepts for"Bonking" . I refer to it as the new and improved spray bottle concept :) Watch the video link and watch and learn. Its the absolute best idea for a behavior interrupter-preventor-extenguisher and it doesnt get things wet :) ! Happy Holiday Greetings and Merry Christmas to all ..... and four and two feet, and feathers too :) May your holidays be well behaved and your counters not surfed ! Rose Deluca- Cold Creek Dog Training