Natalie Lewington, CCDT-DT

I've been a dog lover since I was a little girl- what dog trainer hasn't! Dogs have been a shaping force in my life since I can remember -there's always been one (or two by my side). Though all those highs and lows of life they carry me though. If your reading this- I know you understand just what I mean.....
I met Rose back in 2002 when she was training in the Quinte West region of Ontario with my dog Shadow . My son Kristian was only about 10 then and we traveled from Kingston regularly for training.
Together we trained Shadow. It was such an amazing family experience- and Shadow really needed training!. This training was life changing in that it inspired me to create my dog walking business Kingston Paws in Motion LLC. We've been walking thousands of dogs over they years, yes thousands! That's a lot of miles :) Just like those people you see in the cities walking 10 dogs at a time! Thats us! ... we love it and we encounter dogs all the time that need "more" ... more help.. more training ... more behavioral understanding.
I've always had a soft spot for that underdog rescue who needs some special care- either physically or mentally. Thats why the Challenging Dog program is so special to me. and my clients.
My special girl now is Jasmine a 6 year old rescue blind lab who is such a fun spirited trooper . And we also have Lobo, a wonderful husky, I've always been partial to this breed for their fun energy and personalities- and of course living in Canada where its cold they especially LOVE the winters here which makes me love them even more.
I've approached Rose several times over the years about doing Cold Creek Dog Training's programs in Canada and how there is such a need in our area. The time is finally right for ALL of us to put this all together! I'm so happy to be able to bring the behavioral training like this to our area. There is nothing to compare! We do a balance of obedience too, and of course if your dog is a puller- we are professional dog walkers :) . The real difference you will see is in the concepts of behavioral training like self calming exercises that REALLY work. I've been using them for years with my own dogs and am super pleased to be able to offer these program in our area.